Posted By nat wallen @ Jan 28th 2010 11:09pm In: General

Taco Boy in Downtown CharlestonMy wife surprised me with an impromptu lunch excursion to Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston. I had just finished researching a variety of topics about blogging and I was really excited to write my very first post, so the timing was not ideal. Of course I enjoy spending time with my wife and I was hungry because, well... I am always hungry at work. But I was also motivated to get going and be proactive and publish my random thoughts to the world. 

Her call also came at the right time. I had skipped breakfast, I was stumped, I had writer's block and I had no idea what my first topic should be. I mean, I was picturing my first blog post to be something significant. Something interesting and engaging. Something worthy of not only people reading and making comments on, but something that would make you as the reader flock back every time I write something new because my writing style left you hanging on every word, thirsty for more. But again, I was stumped, hungry and I had never been to Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston. 

When we arrived I was blown away by the sheer size of it. Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston has a really cool, eclectic exterior that sort of looks like an old gas station. In fact, the building used to be a warehouse that this really cool band used to practice in that became popular as a night spot. They always had keg parties after practice and in fact, this was pretty smart as a band really. No need to move equipment, just spruce up your practice space and throw a party.. but my band days during the early nineties grunge period is another story, one that I can hardly let's get back to business...

Taco Boy in Downtown CharlestonTaco Boy in Downtown Charleston offers a really unique atmosphere and sort of reminds me of Vickery's on Beaufain Street. It is completely off of the beaten path and is located on the upper peninsula at 217 Huger Street, which is way, way, way up town. I don't know if I would recommend walking there at night. The large vaulted ceiling shows the beams that the band once used to swing on and has a warm, well lit, colorful vibe. We sat down and were immediately greeted by a polite server who was quick how should I say it... Bring Chips!!! This is what my stomach was saying and sure enough she came through. These chips I really liked because they were salty. Most Mexican restaurants don't serve salty chips, and I don't know why because this was really good.

While we were eating we discussed my first blog post and how I felt like I was putting my new creative outlet on hoid. And right then it happened. At that moment it hit me. I would write my first post about Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston. It was a brilliant idea... So after two tasty tacos, several chips and a really tasty salsa sampler with killer nacho cheese and some of the best guacomoli I have had, I started taking notes and even broke out into a quick photo session. I realized I like blogging and started mapping it all out, pre-planning my post about Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston . 

So here it is, my first blog post. And in summation, yes this may not be the best blog post anyone has ever written. No it is not a literary masterpiece, and it might not be even grammatically correct in many places, but I really enjoyed Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston. I had a great time with my wife and I figured this is as good a topic as any and people should know that it is a cool place to go. 

I even took it to the next level and included a little video testimonial that Will the bartender was kind enough to provide. So check out Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston and if you tell them Nat sent you, it probably will not mean much... other than, oh yeah, he was the goofy guy walking around shooting photos of the restaurant with his iPhone and conducting interviews. 

Taco Boy in Downtown Charleston has a site that is pretty self explanatory and I highly recommend it if you are new to the area, or even a seasoned veteran that likes a little local flavor, check out

Thanks for reading and sticking with me. Hasta La Vista..

Nat Wallen - Realtor - Blogger - Food Eater 


Nat Wallen Real EstateNat Wallen is a Realtor in Charleston SC specializing in residential property sales. He has been licensed since 1995 and is the top listing agent with Carolina One Real Estate. Carolina One Real Estate is the largest company in the Charleston SC area of 700 plus agents. NOTE: Nat Wallen never solicits consumers interacting with his blog unless requested. YOUR comments are encouraged and welcomed. Thanks!

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